We could not create better lives through learning without the help of many partner organizations that provide space for tutor trainings, refer students to classes and tutoring, help us to recruit volunteers, offer on-site classes, and more. We are grateful for each and every one! We've compiled a snapshot of how each of our locations work with organizations in their communities.
Digital Skills Instructor Michelle Walter launched a new classroom at The Well/Soma Gathering in Beaver Falls. Since August 2022, members of the community can take free computer classes on a variety of topics such as: navigating websites, using Microsoft programs, creating emails, searching for a job online, using Zoom, and much more.
Our new Student Services Department expands career exploration and planning support so that we can help more adult learners pursue their next steps. Maggie Lizzie, Career Counselor and Barrier Reduction Specialist at Jewish Family and Community Services, comes to our Downtown Center once each week to offer one-on-one career advising sessions.
Community Kitchen, a nonprofit located in Hazelwood, offers training programs, transitional employment opportunities, apprenticeships, and job placement services to those who may have experienced barriers to employment. Literacy Pittsburgh has provided initial educational testing for several years to identify incoming participants with higher academic needs. A Literacy Pittsburgh instructor is onsite at Community Kitchen for one week each month to teach a class on kitchen math for their culinary arts program.
Literacy Pittsburgh partners with Bidwell Training Center to provide math and reading classes to students who have taken Bidwell’s academic skills assessment and need additional support to pass the exam required for their desired program. We also provide tutoring support opportunities to existing Bidwell students who need additional help in their field of study.
Literacy Pittsburgh currently holds three evening English Language Learning classes at Carnegie Elementary School in Carnegie for parents and community members. We serve about 30 thirty English language learners between the three classes, representing approximately 15 countries.
Volunteer tutor Pat Bibro reached out to Literacy Pittsburgh to launch an English class for clients of Casa San Jose, where she also volunteers. We support volunteer tutors from Casa San Jose by providing books, lesson plans, student testing, and, of course, ongoing advice.
Mt. Lebanon Public Library has been a gracious and welcoming host to Literacy Pittsburgh tutors and students for many years. We hold a volunteer tutor training at the library annually.
McIntyre Elementary serves all English Language Learning students in grades K-5 in the North Hills School District. Over the summer, the principal reached out to Literacy Pittsburgh to see if we could help parents and caregivers who were also in need of English language education.
Concord Elementary, part of the Pittsburgh Public School System, lends Literacy Pittsburgh space one day a week to provide instruction to parents of students within the school as well as their neighbors and friends.
La Escuelita Arcoiris is an immersive Spanish language pre-school located in the Congregation Beth Shalom in Squirrel Hill. Literacy Pittsburgh offers English classes to their educators, helping them better communicate with parents and advance their professional development.
Literacy Pittsburgh (formerly Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council) helps create better lives through learning. Recognized as a national leader in adult and family literacy, Literacy Pittsburgh is the largest provider of adult basic education in Allegheny and Beaver Counties. Last year, Literacy Pittsburgh helped more than 4,000 individuals acquire the skills needed to reach their fullest potential in life and participate productively in their communities. Literacy Pittsburgh provides free, personalized instruction in workforce readiness, high school diploma test preparation, digital literacy, English language learning, math, reading, and family literacy through one-to-one and small class instruction. Founded in 1982, it serves local adults through numerous neighborhood locations and its Downtown Pittsburgh Learning Center.